
Map of Italy about 1350

Close-up map of Italy about 1350

Plan, Piazza del Campo in Siena

Contemporary view, Piazza del Campo in Siena

Map of the city

Cathedral of Pisa (Duomo)

Plan of the entire Sacred Compound at Pisa

West facade of the Duomo at Pisa

The Leaning Tower

The Leaning Tower

Engineers are trying to save the Leaning Tower

A Loggia

A Portico

Ogee Arch

Stilted Arch

Stilted Arch with Ogee Arch detail

Cyma Recta versus Cyma Reversa

Example of ablaq

City plan of Venice

View of Venice by Unterberger

Diagram of foundations

Diagram of foundations

Diagram of foundations

Casa d'Oro in Venice

Casa d'Oro in Venice

Facade of a Venetian Palace

Facade of a Venetian Palace

Plan of Piazza San Marco

Facade of San Marco

Plan of San Marco is a quincunx arrangement

Painting of the piazza

Painting of the piazza by Canaletto

Doge's Palace in Venice

Doge's Palace in Venice

Doge's Palace in Venice

Public space shaped by Doge's Palace, Library of St. Mark, the harbor, and the Columns of religious figures

Lion of St. Mark

Flooded piazza

Flooded piazza

Flooded piazza

Palazzo dei Consoli in Gubbio

Palazzo del Commune in San Gimignano

Palazzo Pubblico in Siena

Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

San Gimignano's towers